The joy of life does not come principally from human relationships. God has placed it all around us, it's in everything & anything that we can experience. We just need to change the way we look at those things.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

No Bus Service

No buses run on Sunday, plus many shops & restaurants aren't open.   Spent the day in downtown area, only 15 minute walk.  Fairbanks Cultural & Visitors Center has an amazing exhibit gallery of Alaska native displays.
The Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race from Fairbanks to Whitehorse began in 1984.  Its a 1,000-mile race, lasting 9-12 days, & is held in Feb.  Their headquarters is downtown & were showing a documentary of the 2004 race. The musher has a 14 dog team & they compete in -40/-50 temperatures…BRR!
The Ice Museum is located in a historic theater with a movie showing the start-to-finish process of ice sculpting.  Plus a gallery of life-sized ice sculptures carved by local artists & also a carving demo...was very interesting. Fairbanks hosts Alaska's World Ice Art Championships in March & I was encouraged to consider returning to volunteer (2-weeks lodging & food provided)...HUM?! Also watched a film by a local panoramic photographer on the Northern Lights...awesome! Must see that for myself.