This is "Thomas", a 50lb 5-year-old pet turkey. He was always strutting & showing off to get your attention. He had beautiful irridescent colored feathers but was molting his tail feathers. He was king of the yard. He'd follow you around, had to know what you were doing. Brian & Tina also had a hen turkey, 2 dogs, 1 cat, & 4 beehive boxes.
I took a 1-hour City Trolley Tour of ideal means of seeing & learning about the city. Interesting tidbits learned...1 out of 20 families own a small or float plane & have to be 14-years-old to fly plane; 67,000 Alaskans go to Hawaii for Christmas; record weight of a cabbage is 132lbs.
Experienced record breaking temperature of 82, which was 15-20 higher than normal, without air conditioning or fans; plus dry thunderstorms! :-\