The Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race from Fairbanks to Whitehorse began in 1984. Its a 1,000-mile race, lasting 9-12 days, & is held in Feb. Their headquarters is downtown & were showing a documentary of the 2004 race. The musher has a 14 dog team & they compete in -40/-50 temperatures…BRR!
The Ice Museum is located in a historic theater with a movie showing the start-to-finish process of ice sculpting. Plus a gallery of life-sized ice sculptures carved by local artists & also a carving demo...was very interesting. Fairbanks hosts Alaska's World Ice Art Championships in March & I was encouraged to consider returning to volunteer (2-weeks lodging & food provided)...HUM?! Also watched a film by a local panoramic photographer on the Northern Lights...awesome! Must see that for myself.